Meet Our Owner/Operator

The owner of ReVerse Med Spa in Oklahoma City is Lindsay Greene, who is also a well-known Oklahoma Realtor

Lindsay Greene

ReVerse Your Aging with our OKC Med Spa

ReVerse Med Spa OKC is the premier facility in Oklahoma City helping men and women look better and feel younger. We offer state of the art technology to help with fat reduction, body contouring, acne treatment, and hair removal treatments. We are the premier laser lipo facility in OKC. All of our treatments are non invasive and help you look your best without surgery, injections or harsh chemicals. Our expert technicians will provide precision care without any pain or discomfort. Each one of our treatments is designed to last a short amount of time so that you do not have to rearrange your entire calendar to get help looking your best. Our treatments are so quick that you can schedule them over your lunch break. They are also so gentle that you can return to work comfortably once they are complete. 

Every treatment at ReVerse Med Spa OKC is done in consultation with our Director, Lindsay Green, who is a Certified Venus Concepts Technician, trained with all devices, including a separate laser certification. She believes in treatments to be aggressive enough to be impactful, while also remaining comfortable and safe to all patients. Lindsay is also the director of our sister company, Robotic Hair Institute, which shares space with ReVerse Med Spa. Open since 2017, Lindsay consults and determines candidacy for all hair transplant patients and manages the day to day surgeries. Additionally, Lindsay has special certification to perform laser lipo treatments, as well as all of the other services offered at ReVerse Med Spa OKC. She has made it her mission to stay abreast of the latest technology and procedures to offer world class services to Oklahoma City.

At the hands of Reverse Med Spa OKC’s You will meet Lindsay Greene. Lindsay strives for excellence and is a true listener and go getter. She is a full time real estate agent in Oklahoma, but also makes time for all of her wonderful Med Spa patients. You will leave your procedure feeling great and looking your best, and most importantly, feeling heard. Don’t be afraid to ask Lindsay how much your home is worth while you’re at it! Our treatments can help you shape and contour your body by reducing stubborn fat deposits and cellulite, while tightening your skin. Do not turn to surgery, when laser lipo treatments can give you the results you desire. We can painlessly and effectively remove unwanted hair on any part of your body. We can leave your skin looking younger, feeling tighter and help regenerate collagen to bring back its youthful touch and appearance. 

No matter what you need, the team at ReVerse Med Spa OKC will help you feel refreshed, rejuvenated and brimming with confidence. We love our community and want everyone in Oklahoma City to have a place where they can go to feel and look their best. Book your consultation today! 

ReVerse Med Spa OKC